... Or, why JM Ibañez tortures himself by dropping by Powerbooks and Booksale when he has no money to buy books. At all.

  • Disarming Iraq, Hans Blix
  • The Coming of the Third Reich, Richard J. Evans
  • A Brief History of the Birth of the Nazis, Nigel Jones
  • Distory: A Treasury of Historical Insults
  • The Night of the Long Knives, Paul R. Maracin
  • Five Past Midnight in Bhopal, Dominique Lapierre
  • The 9/11 Commission Report
  • Frank Lloyd Wright, Ada Louise Huxtable
  • Edward R. Murrow & the Birth of Broadcast Journalism, Bob Edwards
  • Letters of the Century: America 1900-1999, ed. Lisa Grunwald & Stephen J. Adler
  • The Pope's Daughter
  • Pablo Neruda: A Passion for Life, Adam Feinstein
  • Hijacking Enigma: The Insider's Tale, Christine Large
  • After the Holocaust
  • Smaller & Smaller Circles, F.H. Batacan

Current topics of fascination: Anne Frank, the Holocaust (Shoah), World War II in general, Germany and the rise of the Nazis, Bletchley Park & Enigma

Previously: No Subject